Did you know that a normal human heart beats more than 100,000 times per day? Yeah, that’s pretty normal. This also gives rise to a thought that it might be pretty normal to skip a heartbeat or two out of such a huge number, right? True. However, if the patient feels that their heart is suddenly racing or has uneven heartbeats lasting for more than several minutes, they might be in more trouble than one can think. This is a rare condition called Afib ( Atrial Fibrillation ).

Chances are that you have never heard of this condition. If that’s the case, don’t worry, we are going to enlighten you all about it. If you have heard it but want to know more, then you have also landed to the right place. Afib ( Atrial Fibrillation ) is a rare problem which causes to disturb the rhythm of the heart. As you might know that our heart uses electrical system to contract and pump the blood. Afib ( Atrial Fibrillation ) damages these electrical signs in a way.

Risk Factors for Afib [i]

A few elements make AFib almost certain.

  • More seasoned age, despite the fact that it can occur at any age
  • Conditions that place included strain the heart, including:
  • hypertension
  • past heart assault
  • heart medical procedure
  • valve ailment
  • heart disappointment
  • Different ailments, for example, stoutness, rest apnea or hyperthyroidism
  • Family ancestry
  • Drinking an excessive amount of liquor (routinely having at least 3 drinks per day or hitting the bottle hard)

Scenes of AFib are frequently activated by specific exercises. These may include:

  • Overwhelming liquor use
  • A lot of caffeine or different stimulants
  • Times of extreme pressure
  • the worry of the body battling disease
  • the worry of ongoing medical procedure

Focus on what may aggravate manifestations of AFib, so you can impart this data to your medicinal services group.

How to detect an abnormal Heart Rhythm [ii]

In order to check if you have AFib, the specialist will probably depend on a mix of:

  • Your medicinal record and series of physical tests, if required
  • ECG results would be enough in some – it is a test that records patient’s heart’s electrical movement and displays deviations
  • Different techniques to screen your heart’s musicality, if necessary. Extra tests may include:
  • Holter screen test, basically a convenient EKG to gauge and monitor your heart’s action for a whole day
  • Utilizing an occasion screen that, just with the help of a button, enables you to record what’s going on when you feel side effects, for example, chest torment, wooziness or palpitations. Anodes are put on your chest and are associated by wire prompts the account gadget. You by and large will wear this for multi month.
  • Echocardiogram – a test, more like an ultrasound that simply takes pictures of the patient’s heart and monitors the relevant activity about blood pumping.

Treatments of Afib (Atrial Fibrillation): [iii]

Fortunately with the correct treatment, you can carry on with a decent existence with AFib. Be that as it may, you should be tuned in to your heart and body. If this condition is not treated, it may prompt blood clumps, stroke and other severe issues, including heart disappointment.

  • Patient’s treatment will probably rely upon:
  • Patient’s age
  • Patient’s side effects and the recurrence of scenes
  • Regardless of whether patient’s pulse is leveled out

Patient hazard for stroke (see the CHADS2VASC score to decide your hazard and requirement for anticoagulation) Other ailments, including on the off chance that you as of now have coronary illness. Cure of AFib centers around way of life changes and either rate control or musicality control. Treatments to forestall blood clusters and stroke are likewise critical.

Lifestyle changes:

There are a lot of lifestyle changes that may visibly reduce your chances of getting Afib. These may include:

  • Eating a heart-sound eating routine brimming with new products of the soil, fiber-rich sustenances, lean meats and fish and unsaturated fats like olive oil
  • Restricting liquor and caffeine
  • Practicing consistently – mean to get 30 minutes of physical movement generally days
  • Overseeing feelings of anxiety
  • Not smoking
  • Taking your medication(s) as coordinated and overseeing different conditions
  • Notwithstanding way of life changes, medicines regularly incorporate meds and additionally systems.

Medicated treatments for Afib [iv]

Meds are utilized to:

  • Keep clusters from shaping or to disintegrate a current coagulation
  • Reestablish your pulse’s or mood

Meds to counteract or treat blood clusters and stroke include:


Blood thinners/anticoagulants, for example, warfarin (brand name: Coumadin, Jantoven), dabigitran (brand: Pradaxa), rivaroxaban (brand: xarelto), and apixaban (brand:Eliquis)

Converse with your specialist about which blood more slender is directly for you. Remember that on the off chance that you take a blood more slender, you should be careful about falls and different mishaps that may cause dying. There are prescriptions or cures that can invert the blood-diminishing intensity of warfarin, yet no inversion specialists exist yet for the more up to date drugs.

There may likewise be dietary limitations. For instance, sustenance like spinach, kale and different vegetables are wealthy in nutrient K, which can upset the manner in which warfarin works. That is the reason you must be mindful so as to expend a similar sum each day on the off chance that you take warfarin. You likewise need your blood checked every now and again when taking this medication (called your INR/PT).

However, it is to be noted that you shouldn’t take any medicine without the advice and recommendation of your doctor. Always consult your doctor to have a thorough checkup before getting on the treatments.

[i] http://scholar.google.com.pk/scholar_url?url=https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/fullarticle/193807&hl=en&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm20nf5D5_eXBY-aDYaSsnDlP3CnxA&nossl=1&oi=scholarr

[ii] https://www.getqardio.com/healthy-heart-blog/detecting-and-managing-atrial-fibrillation/

[iii] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/atrial-fibrillation/treatment/

[iv] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/atrial-fibrillation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350630